Those books are pretty good though for discussion purposes though. Yeah, you do know that the info there states he is the last of the Kaguya clan and uses only Kimimaro as he has no care for the name anymore because of the way he was treated by his clan. Is the example pic from your own collectors guide? Those are tough to get apparently outside of Japan.- RockLee1980 ( talk) 19:29, 29 September 2008 (UTC) It's one of many scans I tracked down on google a while back and keep handy for situations like this. Ok fair enough, like I said I didn't want to piss you off or make anyone upset just that it was odd to see others with their names and not his. For the purposes of this article, however, just leave it as Kimimaro. I have never seen the anime, so maybe Kaguya is indeed given as his name. Additionally, he is only "Kimimaro" in GNT4 (the only Naruto game I own). If its a case of mistranslation then meh its just laziness on their part, but I don't want to start a flame war here snapper2, since it seems like your getting angry about this.- RockLee1980 ( talk) 19:29, 29 September 2008 (UTC) He's just "Kimimaro" in both versions of the manga. Tintor2 ( talk) 18:14, 28 September 2008 (UTC) Now are we talking translated manga or original Japanese manga? Tintor2 they do refer to him as Kaguya in the anime japanese version, not sure about the english dub though. ~ Snapper T o 18:12, 28 September 2008 (UTC) Also in the anime or the video games he is never called Kimimaro Kaguya. One does not need to have a family's last name to be part of the family. Its just weird since the name is canon and not a fabrication of the fanbase, maybe it is for North American and European versions, but over here it is Kaguya.- RockLee1980 ( talk) 19:29, 29 September 2008 (UTC) Have you read the manga? The thing the anime is based on? If you haven't, he's never called "Kimimaro Kaguya" in it. Have you watched the Japanese version? It states him as Kaguya several times and refers to him as the last of the Kaguya clan in the episodes dealing with his youth. ~ Snapper T o 03:31, 28 September 2008 (UTC) Its not an assumption it is his name.
Naruto ninja storm 4 dlc not available in us full#
"Kimimaro Kaguya" is just a popular fan assumption of his full name. Just leave it as Kaguya then the history section will look less hectic.- RockLee1980 ( talk) 19:29, 29 September 2008 (UTC) Because he is only ever referred to as "Kimimaro". If taking his family name off is standard then why not take Itachi's off? We know he is an Uchiha but why does his name family name stay on the list? Also its pissing me off seeing the thing constantly updated with Kaguya then it being removed. Why doesn't Kimmimaro have his family name on the list? He is a Kaguya which is made obvious throughout the japanese version of the show and he and Orochimaru refers to him as Kimmimaro Kaguya. Itachi, Kisame, Kimimaro,Third Hokage,Tsunade and Kankuro are in the game. seeing as you list him as playable then that must mean you have proof that he's playable, so where is it?

What proof do you have that every character mentioned on your list is a playable character and not just a support or a picture of a character that they have on the site? because i've not seen shikamaru or kiba actually fighting in any trailer yet, the only thing shikamaru has been confirmed as is a support.

Not all characters would be here,itachi,kisame,and other people Wont be released anytime,this game will have Gaara in all forms.